Monday 2 June 2014

Turn the rainy day winter blues around

As Mums, we've all had those days.

It's a rainy morning and outside it's cold. dark. bleak. You feel like a zombie 'cos you've been up about three times feeding the baby during the night. Not to mention the trip the 4am episode when your toddler ran into your room screaming. (Sigh) night terrors again?

So perhaps today is not the best day to get outside, especially with the little ones. Sometimes the best thing you can do is try and get a little bit of shut-eye when the baby goes back down for a mid morning sleep. Even a 20 minute power nap can make a difference.

But if your bub or toddler (or both) won't sleep - give your energy level a boost with this sanity-saving rainy day workout that you can do at home with very little room and a couple of cans of soup (if you don't happen to have some free weights or dumbbells you can use).

Give it a try - at the very least, it's bound to entertain bub or Miss Two - and it may just be enough to give you that kick start that you need. Let me know how you go, and welcome any feedback you have.

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