Tuesday 3 June 2014

Baby bump fitness - does it matter?

So you've just found out you're about to become a Mum - congratulations!

You're probably thinking it's time to shelve your regular exercise workout - 'it might do more harm than good'. Or maybe you can't remember the last time you were in the gym. Now certainly isn't the time to start - right?

Not necessarily.

It seems that most women are sussed on the importance of healthy eating while pregnant. But more than half of us still don't see 'staying active' as very important, according to research by Queensland University of Technology published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

But pregnancy is an important time, says study author, Susie De Jersey, a senior dietitian at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.

"Gaining too much or not enough weight, eating a poor diet and being physically inactive can affect the health of both mums and their babies well into the future."

So how does a girl with a bump stay moving, safely, I hear you ask? We've answered some of the most common questions in our pregnancy Q&A.

Pregnancy is different for every woman and if you're experiencing medical complications as a result of your pregnancy, please make sure you contact your health care provider for further advice before you embark on your new-exercise-routine-for-two.

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