Sunday 15 December 2013

Make it a waistwise Christmas

With so much festive food around, it can be easy to ignore your body’s normal fullness signals and overeat at Christmas. And when the family get-together becomes a sit-down feast from dawn to dusk and beyond, the kilojoules can really stack up. Here are some tips to manage your weight over the festive season.

Eat slowly and pay attention to your stomach’s fullness signals so you know when it’s time to stop eating.

You don’t have to finish your plate.
It’s far better to put the kilojoules in the waste than around your waist.

If you're going somewhere else to eat - don't arrive hungry.
Have a small healthy snack before the function to take the edge of your hunger - try eating a boiled egg, a glass of water and an apple! Protein-rich foods like egg help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Schedule something active to do BEFORE you go on to a Christmas lunch or dinner.
Kick a ball around the park with the kids, go for a walk and add some walking lunges or squats. Then at the end of the day, go for another walk!
Need more tips? Click here.

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