Sunday 10 November 2013

I train hard but never see the results - why?

Some women believe they have to bust-a-gut and workout hard every time they exercise to get results. But the reality is, if you work long hours and live a fast-paced life, or are up half the night with a baby or a toddler, then all the hardcore training in the world may not be what you need to see results.

Why? It may be because your body is producing too much cortisol (the stress hormone) which is counterproductive for weight loss!

The solution? Try winding things back by doing intense sessions two or three times a week and then a 'recovery' session on the other days. Play with your kids in a park, go for a walk on the weekend, or do some easy laps in the pool. And of course, the most important thing is to rest when you can. This isn't easy when you have young children, I know, but sometimes a nanna nap on the couch is the best thing you can do for your body - and your health.

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