Tuesday 26 November 2013

Beat the bulge and keep it off

Still trying to shed weight for Summer? Or do you need to lose the baby belly fat?

Don't aim for short-terms results - beat the bulge and feel good about keeping it off by establishing the right kind of eating habits. Here are the top 3 tips and tricks:

Load up on the leafy greens
A study in the Amercian Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that vegetarians are 15 per cent less likely to be overweight or obese than meat eaters. That's because vegetables and fruit tend to have fewer calories or kilojoules that the average meat meal. The answer? Eat your greens and go meatless at least one day a week - you'll be doing favour for your body and the environment.

Think about it
Mindful eating habits play an important part in controlling your food intake. By eating at the dinner table distraction free (ie. no eating in front of the TV), you'll be more mindful of what you're eating and how full you feel.

Be flexible
Add some flexibility to your eating plan and don't stick to a regimented diet that is bound to fail. A study published in the Journal of Obesity showed that women who followed a rigid diet were 19 per cent more likely to be overweight than women who were on a more flexible eating plan. Think of the 80-20 rule where you're eating well 80% of the time, with 20% for the occasional treat.

Read on for some more free tips.
Have you got some tips that have worked for you? Share them with us :-)

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