Monday 14 January 2013

Top five faves to be healthy all year 'round

Being in shape and eating healthier is a choice, for you - and for your growing family! What better way to kick off the year with some positive healthy habits to make it happen. Try some of my top 5 favourites:
  1. Take yourself outside. Did you know that just spending 20 minutes a day in the sun can help boost vitamin D levels to improve your mood, bone strength, reduce your risk of cancer, as well as being a good opportunity for you and your kids to look good in a pair of sunnies?
  2. Up your fibre intake. High fibre foods, like fruit, veggies and whole-grains, help lower cholesterol, improve digestion and cut the risk of that belly bloat.
  3. Take some time out for you. Looking after yourself is the best gift you can give to your  kids! Plus stress has a lot to answer for - who wants wrinkles, moodiness, and weight gain??!! It's time to create some relaxing habits that help you deal with the many stressful situations you find yourself in as Mum.
  4. Get into pumping weights. Many women think they'll "bulk up" pumping weights but that's far from the truth. By using your body for resistance or light weights you'll get long, lean muscles and that's the best way to burn more fat.
  5. Get ahead with more time between the sheets. Did you know that a lack of sleep can add inches to your waistline and increase your risk of breast cancer? For great sleep - avoid stimulants, turn off the TV, and go to bed earlier. What's wrong with going to bed not long after the kids have gone down for the night? Even if you have a young baby or toddler, going to bed not long after they do (and resisting the temptation to watch TV) gives you the chance to sneak in some Zzz zzz before they wake again!

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