Monday 31 December 2012

Looking ahead to a healthy, happy, New Year

Blink...and you'll miss it! Where did that year go? They say that the years seem to whizz by as you get older but personally I think it's more the case that Mums are just busier these days - you don't even have a chance to stop and think, you just DO and keep DOING. 

Maybe you're working full-time with a couple of little-ones occupying your time at home, or you're a stay-at-home Mum with children and never-ending activities for the kids that keep you on your toes - whatever your situation it's certainly different to when our Mums or Grandmothers were raising their kids.  

The end of the year is always a good time for a healthy dose of reflection: what have I achieved? Why does it feel like I haven't done anything? Now where are those sneakers/great abdominal 'blaster'/tummy vibrator whatsy-thimmingy that I never got around to using? Seriously though, sometimes it's good to just stop, forget about doing and be thankful for what we do have. If you have your family, healthy children, and your own good health then I think THAT's something to celebrate. 

And if you are thinking ahead to what you'd like to do - or stop doing - in 2013, see these tips to help you create resolutions that actually mean something to you, that you can stick to, and hopefully, make a difference to your life in the year ahead.
Create a plan - 'cos as the saying goes - "an objective without a plan is a dream."
In order for your resolution to have resolve, (as the word "resolution" implies), it has to have clear steps that can be put into action. A good plan will tell you: what to do next, and what steps are needed to complete the goal.

Don't wait 'til tomorrow - create Your Plan NOW

If you're like most people, then you'll have a limited window of opportunity during the first few days of January to harness your motivation.  So it's really important that you start creating your plan now.

Write it down
Commit your resolution and plan to writing somewhere; keep it where you can see it, and refer to it often.

Think "Year Round," Not Just New Year's
Resolutions should be realistic; with small steps to reach specific goals. Nothing big gets done in a day. Resolutions are set in one day, but accomplished with a hundred tiny steps that happen throughout the year.

Remain flexible to keep your sanity

Accept that being a busy Mum often means that things don't always go as planned. So when great intentions are derailed, there's no guilt or giving up: just pick up and move on. Most of all, recognise when you succeed at every step along the way.

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