Saturday 3 September 2011

5 fast ways to boost energy

Whether you’re a working mum, a stay at home mum, or a work-from-home mum, chances are that sometimes you need to find ways to boost your energy – FAST.

There’s no doubt about it, being a working Mum with young children is exhausting.
And some days you just feel drained – even just thinking about all the things you have to do (and the little time you have to do them in). You just need a fast energy fix.

I thought that once my kids had stopped breastfeeding, out of nappies and at preschool it would be easier, then I would have more time, and I would feel less exhausted.

HA! What planet was I living on?

Now they’re a little older and more independent there’s no end to their activities, which inevitably means no end to running around after them.

In-between fitting in my exercise, running a business, breakfast negotiations, making lunches, childcare and school drop-offs, helping out at school, cooking, cleaning, preparing dinner, dealing with procrastination at bedtime, and a million other things…to be honest, sometimes I just feel shattered, tired and cranky.

And I suspect that I’m not alone.

So in an effort to be a happy, energetic Mum, over the last few weeks I’ve been trying out different ways to find energy, and fast.

Here’s my five fast ways to boost energy:

Move. Research has shown that even a brisk walk three times a week can increase energy and lengthen your lifespan. Can’t fit the exercise into your day? Then have a think some of the activities you normally do and try to make them more vigorous. A quick vacuum can raise your heartbeat and burn more kilojoules, which in turn will increase energy. 

Other ideas:
Skip across the playground to pick up the kids from school. It makes you feel as though you’re back in school yourself, & you can’t help but smile.

Kick the soccer ball around the back yard for 10 minutes with your kids. Or do a huge cat- like stretch as you push yourself away from your desk. A quick stretch is a quick and easy way to boost your energy – stretching releases toxins from the body’s tissues and stress from your muscles. And it feels good.
    Hydrate. Let’s face it - drinking your bodyweight in coffee won’t help your long-term energy levels (if anything, you may be shaking from an overdose of caffeine – and you may not be able to sleep properly at night).

    A glass of cold water is an instant pick-me-up. And the other benefits of course, is that it helps flush out the toxins, reduce fluid retention, and keeps your skin looking good. Herbal tea – like peppermint or lemon and ginger - will also put a zing into your step.
      Crunch into an apple or a pear. Simple diet changes can have a huge impact on your energy levels. Try eating a fresh apple or pear – these low GI foods give you sustained energy rather than the quick peak and fall of high GI foods (that can actually stimulate hunger). Always carry a piece of fruit in your bag or in the car for that quick energy fix.
        Freshen up. Kids driving you crazy? Retreat to the bathroom for a couple of minutes, wash your face and hands and brush your hair. Moisterise your hands. Smile in the mirror. It sounds simple, but you will look and feel better.
          Sing in the shower, in the car, in the kitchen to the radio, wherever you are – it helps boost sinking energy levels, and lifts your mood. Singing opens up the lungs and lets your body take in a little more oxygen, which will give you a burst of energy.

          These are the things that help give me a fast fix of energy so I’m ready to tackle a busy afternoon with the kids (well…until arsenic hour hits anyway!).

          Try it out for yourself and see what works for you.

          For more free tips on how to look and feel better as a Mum – check out my ‘refreshed’ website:

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