Saturday 20 October 2012

Top 7 tips to lose the baby weight

It doesn't matter whether you've just had your first baby, second, or have school-age kids, we all desperately want to fit back into those pre-baby clothes. And the good news is that you most certainly can and it's never too late to start - you just have to get started!

After I had my second baby I couldn't wait to get back into pre-pregnancy clothes - but it wasn't as if I could just walk out of hospital wearing my favourite pre-baby jeans: I was still lugging an extra 8 kilos and I had to work to get it off. Here's my top 7 tips to getting back into shape and feeling even better than you did before having your baby.

  1. Ditch the mother's guilt. No-one ever tells you about the guilt that comes with being a Mum, but  realise that it's OK to spend sometime on yourself. After all, looking after yourself is the best gift you can give to your kids - if you're happy and healthy, then they are likely to be too! So if it means spending 30 minutes a day doing something that's just for you, then it's OK to make this happen.
  2. Set some realistic goals for yourself. Take some time to think about what you really, really, want and work out a plan for how you can achieve it - and how to measure your success. After having a baby you might have a lot of weight to lose, for example, which can seem really daunting. So you need to break it down into small, achievable goals (like 500g per week for example).
  3. Schedule exercise into your diary as morning appointment. Re-gaining your fitness and losing weight after having a baby is all about being consistent over time. Having a routine, especially if you have a baby, is going to be tricky but work out when your baby is most likely to be happiest, and slot in some exercise so that it happens most days of the week. Even if you have to break it down into three lots of 10 minute sessions!
  4. Include your baby or your kids. Don't wait until your baby is asleep to exercise - chances are you'll find something else to do, and it's far better that they learn healthy habits early in life. When babies are very small, they're most happiest when with you so you can easily pop them on a mat next to you while you're doing your routine. As they get older, they love to get involved and do running, and jumping and squatting with you. Be creative!
  5. Know that your eating habits will have the biggest impact on your weight loss goals. It's the 80-20 rule: losing weight is 80 per cent what you eat and 20 per cent exercise. Like any new Mum, sometimes you're going to be struggling to find the time to exercise (let alone find the energy), so even if you can't fit in much exercise - try to control what you eat (particularly portion sizes).
  6. Eat smaller, regular meals throughout the day and drink lots of water. This is really important for new, breastfeeding Mums as you'll be constantly tired, thirsty and lacking in energy. Eating small, regular meals throughout the day will help stabilise your blood sugar levels and control those sugar cravings!
  7. Plan ahead, organise yourself and just keep going. Take some time out to plan your weekly meals and exercise for the week - you can save a lot of time and focus on getting through one day at a time and doing the best you can for that day. Yes, you're going to have days when the baby is sick or screams a lot, or Miss Toddler whinges and hangs around your feet, or you dive into a whole packet of biscuits. But forgive yourself! Tomorrow is another day - you just have to keep going, and never, EVER give up!

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