Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tweaking workouts to burn more fat

Some comebacks (like leg warmers) should stay in the past. But your return to exercise, whether it's after a having a baby, or after any long lay-off (including hibernation over winter), is different.

Any break in a regular exercise routine, including after giving birth, can result in a loss of lean muscle mass and cardio strength. Once you do start to ease yourself back into regular exercise, over time you can also start to tweak your workouts to burn more fat. Here's how:

...while walking
Walk your regular route the opposite direction, so your body doesn't know what to expect.

...while running
Typically run for 30 minutes? Try this: day 1 - go slower than usual, but jog for 40 mins. Day 2 - speed up, but jog for only 20 mins. Day 3 - jog fast for 1 min, easy for 2, repeat 6-10 times.

...don't run but want to start?
While out walking add short bursts of running into your routine - run to the next tree or lamppost and walk (recover) for two lamp posts. Repeat 4-6 times. Build on this walking session each week so eventually you're doing more running than walking.

...while resistance or weights training
Stand instead of sitting to use more muscles

...while cycling
Sit when you climb. When you stand, you use body weight for momentum; sitting mean you have to push more weight with less help.

And check out our tip sheet on your number one fat loss solution - interval training - to give your workout an extra boost


  1. I do brisk walking in the morning and I find it so refreshing and invigorating. I'm an active runner until I got pregnant. This did not stop me to run. I have a couple of running mates (we're all preggy) and I just love the idea of having them every morning. Knowing that I'm a runner, my doctor told me I could continue running without hurting the baby.

    I just saw an ad about transvaginal mesh lawsuit. I was wondering if you have any thoughts about this? Thanks a million!

  2. Hi Ada - thanks for your comments and good to hear you're continuing to be so active throughout your pregnancy! And yes, running throughout pregnancy is usually OK if your doctor gives you the nod. I ran throughout both my pregnancies without any impact on my babies. Just ease back into it after having a baby, and listen to your body. Which brings me to the ad you mentioned. You're probably already well aware about how important your pelvic muscles are & it's always better to focus on doing pelvic floor exercises and seek professional advice from a women's health physio if needing any help in this area.
