Sunday 15 July 2012

Five fat loss behaviours to keep weight off for good

As a trainer and a distance runner, I often have ladies ask: “Michelle, what's THE most important thing for me to do to lose weight and keep it off.” 

There's so much MISinformation out there in 'weight loss land' so it's no wonder that it leaves women so confused. “Should I cut out all carbs?”  “Or do I just avoid eating carbs at night?” “Should I exercise everyday?” "Should I fast to 'cleanse' out my system?” “Or should I snack regularly rather than eat three main meals a day?”

But losing weight and keeping it off for the long term is really about practising healthy behaviours that you can do easily, and every day so it just becomes a part of what you do and who you are. Cutting out carbs or cleansing is not a long-term solution.

So here are five things that women living the fat loss lifestyle do every day to maintain their results in the long run. They don’t compromise when it comes to these actions. They know that if they do nothing else, these behaviours done daily will help them to stay healthy, fit and lean. Don’t over think this stuff. This is basic. If you want to take it to the next level, you can begin to think about the nuances, but for those who want to live a fit, healthy life, these are the non-negotiables.

  1. Protein, protein, and more protein. Each meal should revolve around what the protein will be. Why? Protein is the basic component of tissue, organs and muscle and is needed in the repair and replacement of cells in your body. Protein also keeps you feeling fuller for longer, so it can help it terms of reducing your overall kilojoule intake. Choose from fish, chicken, turkey, eggs/whites, quinoa, beans, lentils, and other legumes, etc.
  2. If it didn't grow, walk, or swim – don't eat it. In other words, eat mostly real food, and plenty of fruit and veg. Don’t stress about which veggies are starchy and which fruits are higher GI. These are nuances that can be worked out later. The bottom line is that if you are eating fruit and veg, you're not likely to eat junk food or a lot of packaged and processed foods. The more real food you eat, the more energised you'll feel, and you'll take in more vitamins and minerals.
  3. Drink water. Lean people drink water more than they drink any other beverage. I know some women who hydrate with diet coke or a coke zero – but this is what women do when they go on on a 'diet'.You're not on a diet – your mission is to lose and maintain fat loss.
  4. Move, move and then move some more. There's no way around it, if you want to live the fat loss lifestyle - movement has to become a part of your life FOREVER. Walk, take the stairs, play soccer or climb equipment in the playground with the kids, anything. And you'll find that the more active you become, the more you will want to push yourself to do more – whether it's lifting your own bodyweight, or climbing up a hill that you've always wanted to take on, or tackling your first 5km run. The main thing is you just stay active, and do something everyday – either on your own or with your family.
  5. Sleep. This is the tricky one – especially for new Mums. But research shows a strong link between obesity and lack of sleep. The fact is that sleep is the metabolic reset button that readies us for the next day, so that we have the physical capacity to workout hard and run around after our children, and the mental capacity to make the right food choices and control stress.

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