Saturday 30 June 2012

5 rules of flat abs

Hip raises to help strengthen your butt
Did you know that you can whittle your waist and trim your 'mummy tummy' without doing a single sit-up? If you're the kind of person who regularly does sit-ups and still have tummy flab that just won't go away then you may have to re-think your approach. Try our 5 rules of flat abs to get you started:
  1. Attack those hidden core muscles. You can do sit-ups all you want but they only target the superficial muscles - instead, you need to work your transverse abdominis, multifidis and internal obliques. Say whaaaat? To practise engaging the right muscles, lie on your back and place your palms just below your belly button. Exhale and allow your stomach to expand as far as you can, then focus on pulling your belly button towards your spine, drawing your abdomen towards the floor. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. Move your butt. In order to lose your tum, you have to work your bum. Try doing the glute bridge march and hip raises where you raise and lower your bum (see picture at top) to tighten your butt.
  3. Eat those flat belly foods. You won't even be able to see your abs if they're under a layer (or more!) of fat, so it's time to excavate them by following these dietary guidelines:
    - Increase your protein. Research has shown that when you trade carbs for an equal amount of protein, you can reduce your overall tummy fat.
    - Cut out sugar. According to the Australian Diabetes Council, the average Aussie eats about 20 teaspoons of sugar every day in processed foods like soft drinks and sugary cereals. That's 1480 empty kilojoules a day!
    - Don't cut out all fat. Choose good fats like olives, nuts, and avocadoes.
    - Be aware of your sodium (salt) intake. Nutritionists suggest you should consume less than 2000 milligrams each day to avoid retaining excess water (most of us have closer to 5000 a day).
  4. Stop stressing. High anxiety can produce excess cortisol - a hormone that encourages the body to store extra fat!
  5. Work your abs LESS often. Daily ab workouts are not the answer ladies! You'll see benefits quicker if you gives your muscles a day to fully recover between workouts. And stick to 15-20 repetitions of each exercise. Too easy? Then you need to do a harder ab exercise!

Saturday 16 June 2012

Eating cleaner to get leaner

You may have heard the saying, "great abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym". While exercise will certainly keep your metabolism ticking over, if you want to make real changes to your womanly physique, it all comes down to what you eat. In fact, much research suggests that least 80% of fat loss comes from nutritional change!

In winter of course, the last thing we all feel like doing is tucking into a cold salad. We just love those winter comfort foods that leave us with a bit of fire in our bellies. The good news is that eating for fat loss or good health doesn't have to be all about salads. You can incorporate lean cuts of meat with seasonal vegetables to make really yummy casseroles, curries, soups and stews.

Still need more help? Here's my top five tips for hearty winter cooking while cutting the fat:
  1. Cut the fat. Most basic casserole and soup recipes start with 1-2 tablespoons of oil. Just use a non-stick pan and reduce the fat to just a teaspoon or less!
  2. Sweat it. While softening onions and other vegies, cook them on a low heat, covered with a tight-fitting lid. This is called 'sweating' and allows the moisture in the vegies to create steam, which helps soften them without the fat. If the pan dries out, just add water instead of oil.
  3. Add more vegies to the mix. Extra vegies add volume to a meal which will not only make your plate look fuller, but also fill your stomach with slow-digesting fibre.
  4. Go for tomato-based sauces. When choosing curries and casseroles, use recipes which use a base of either stock or tomato, rather than cream or coconut.
  5. Add beans to soups and casseroles. Beans are a great source of slow-burning energy, plus they're so cheap. They're also fantastic for thickening soups and casseroles. Add them early in the cooking process to break down and thicken the sauce.
And coming soon....a great new service offering hundreds of mouth-watering meals from around the world all carefully prepared for you so that they taste great, are quick and easy to make and, of course, good for you! Nutrition Complete uses only the latest, scientifically proven research to give you the quickest, safest and healthiest way of losing weight.

Sunday 10 June 2012

7 surprising ways to get healthier, calmer, stronger & happier

Perhaps you've heard the saying: "you can't move a mountain in one day". The same can be said to anyone trying to make major changes to their life. Trying to do it all at once simply sets yourself up for failure. Any slip-up, no matter how small, be it a decadent dessert, a week of skipping exercise or forgetting a friend's birthday, can send you into a spiral of self-flagellation. BUT if you focus instead of meeting one simple goal at a time, you might find that you've dropped a dress size, have spent more time with your kids, improved your 5km time - or that you simply smile more often. Here's 7 simple changes you can make to get healthier, calmer, stronger, and happier. Which one can you start with today?
  1. Follow the two-bite principle says Linda Spangle, author of Life is Hard, Food is easy. In short, have two bites of anything you want and then pass it on. Those first nibbles have the most flavour and give you most pleasure - and it's often enough just to satisfy the craving.
  2. Say 'no" at least half the time. Just think of it this way, saying no to someone is like saying 'yes' to yourself!
  3. Follow the 10 per cent per week rule. This is a good one to follow when first starting out (or getting back into) regular exercise. Working out too hard, or going too long increases your chance of getting injured. To keep your joints happy, aim to increase your workout time and resistance by no more than 10 per cent a week.
  4. Stop a snack-a-tack. Cut out a taste trigger to a snack you can't resist by eating something that's the exact opposite. So if you're craving something sweet, sip something tart like water with lemon in it. When chips or nuts are tempting, reach for an apple or piece of cheese to counter the salty, crunchy taste trigger.
  5. Select a stretch of the day. Write a stretch on a post-it note and stick it on the fridge door at home. Every time you go to the fridge, do the stretch instead (hold for 20-30 seconds). Aim to do at least 3 times a day. Some of the best stretches to start for busy Mums are the chest, shoulders, back, and neck.
  6. Create a 'get to do' list. On every to-do list alternate tasks to accomplish with ways to reward yourself, or do something you enjoy. So if number one is 'laundry', number two could be 'call best friend'.
  7. Remember that small acts can have big pay offs. The key is consistency: and small steps often can really pay the biggest dividends toward your health. Instead of working out one hour every fourth day, try 25 minutes on daily basis. The smaller acts are more likely to become a routine.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Boost fat loss and reap other health benefits with hGH

It's not often these days that I do go the gym - simply because I'm an outdoors fitness junkie - but when I am there, I'm always a little taken back by so many women reading magazines while doing a long, slow pummel on the cardio machines. If you think those cardio machines hold the keys to the fat loss kingdom ladies, then think again. Maybe you should be paying more attention to your Human Growth Hormone (hGH) instead.

So what is hGH anyway?
hGH is a hormone that is produced by the Pituitary Gland in the brain. Production peaks during the teenage years and slowly declines with age.

What role does hGH play in the body?

hGH has been shown to play a significant role in:
  • Fat metabolism
  • Growth of all tissues
  • Energy level
  • Tissue repair
  • Whole body healing
  • Cell replacement
  • Bone strength
  • Brain function
  • Sexual function
  • Organ health and integrity
  • Enzyme production
  • Integrity of hair, nails, skin and vital organs
HGH is responsible for growth during childhood - and for the repair and regeneration of human tissue throughout our lives. By the time we reach the age of 30, our HGH levels are only about 20% of their peak levels during childhood, and after the age of 30, they continue to decline at about 12 to 15% per decade.

By the time most of us are 30 years old, our bodies no longer produce enough HGH to keep pace with the cellular damage that is occurring in our bodies. As our HGH levels continue to decline, the damage that we collectively call ‘ageing’ accelerates.
And here's where we get to The NOT SO GREAT News: studies have shown that obese adults have lower levels than normal-weight adults.

The WONDERFUL News is that a 2003 study published in the British Journal Sports Medicine found that "exercise intensity above lactate threshold (when you ‘feel the burn’) and for a minimum of 10 minutes appears to elicit the greatest stimulus to the secretion of hGH."
So, how can we increase the natural secretion of hGH to boost fat loss and gain the other health benefits?
  • Get More Sleep
  • Drink More Water
  • Moderate/Reduce Your Carbohydrate Intake
  • Eat More Protein
  • Exercise at the Right Intensity!
  • Sleep
Since the largest hGH surge in a normal day tends to occur around one hour after the onset of night-time sleep, it's for anyone seeking fat loss to get plenty of sleep (groan, I hear most Mums say, if only it was so easy!) If the quality and quantity of sleep is inadequate there will be a reduction in the volume of hGH secreted with negative consequences for fat loss. For most people, ‘sufficient sleep’ people means around eight hours.

It is also important to drink plenty of water during your waking hours and more when exercising, as dehydration has been shown to significantly reduce the exercise-induced hGH response. 1 ½ - 2 litres per day is a good guide.

Carbohydrates & Protein
Research has also shown how high-carbohydrate diets tend to switch off hGH secretion. Many fat loss expert suggest avoiding sugar for two hours post exercise but ensuring that at least 25g protein is consumed immediately preferably in liquid form for quick absorption (a protein shake) or a protein bar, lean poultry, meat or eggs as protein has been shown to enhance hGH secretion too.

The Right Intensity & Amount of Resistance Training – Less Is Best! - sort of!
Exercising at a higher than average intensity results in the biggest volume of hGH secretion in response to a single exercise bout, with levels of the hormone declining gradually over a period of an hour. Ultimately, to boost your hGH production and blitz your fat stores you need to ensure that when you exercise on your ‘metabolic’ exercise days you….
  • Get hot
  • Get sweaty
  • Get out of breath
  • Feel the lactate burn in your muscles
  • In short bursts, work until you think you can’t do anymore
To give your hGH secretion a boost try this: 3-4 sessions per week, each involving at least 10 minutes’ work above lactate threshold. Keep total workout time to between 20-30 mins and include a variety of styles and principles to maintain muscle confusion. Work hard, keep it short and sweet. BE CONSISTENT!

Special acknowledgement: Burrell Education 2012