Tuesday, 27 March 2012

7 steps to cut the fat and lose that baby belly for good!

It’s a tough fact but many women simply become ‘fat magnets’ thanks to the hormonal changes that occur during critical phases of our life cycle.

And pregnancy and childbirth are one of those ‘critical life phases’. Pregnancy naturally causes Cortisol (the ‘fat around the middle’ hormone) to rise as the pregnancy progresses. And after having a baby, the stressful demands of early motherhood combined with a lack of rest and sleep can keep Cortisol levels elevated. Not a great scenario for fat loss. That’s why, if the focus is mainly placed on increasing exercise as a solution for losing that baby belly, we're totally missing the point!

Let's face it - there's no magic pill. Long-lasting fat loss is best achieved by a change in your outlook and a burning desire to change your lifestyle habits including: managing and reducing your stress levels, a change in eating strategy and habits, and lastly an increase in effective exercise.

To get you started, here's 7 key steps to put you on track to losing that baby belly for good!
  1. CUT your intake of starchy, refined, processed carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread and potatoes). This is the ultimate key to the fat loss kingdom! Reduce these items dramatically and you’ll see an amazing difference to your waistline within a week.
  2. DRINK MORE WATER and herbal teas. Water and being well-hydrated is vital to fat loss. Your goal (depends on your body weight) but is usually around 1.5-2 litres per day.
  3. AVOID SUGAR where possible! You have to work hard at this one, but it’s worth it, again, controlling your blood sugar is vital to preventing the mechanism which causes you to store fat.
  4. AVOID or really minimise DRINKING ALCOHOL where possible! See point 3. Also when alcohol is in your system, your fat burning potential takes a total nose-dive!
  5. DUMP the junk and processed food. You know why! Full of trans fats, sugar, salt and who only knows what else. Eating processed food won't take you towards your fat loss goals - end of story!
  6. Eat much more protein and let protein and vegetables dominate EVERY MEAL. The starchy carb portion of your meal needs to be the least visible on your plate. Controlling your starchy carb and sugar intake will have a huge effect on your progress. 
  7. BE CONSISTENT. Do all of above most of the time and you will be successful! Just stick with your program 6 days per week and chill out on the 7th – simple!
With special thanks to: Jenny Burrell, at Burrell Education: www.burrelleducation.com

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Persuasive power of positive thinking

You've been up with the baby all night and now there's your whingeing toddler to contend with– you're tired and irritable. It's easy for negative thoughts to creep in, especially if you've had a series of bad nights or days, even weeks.

You have two choices here – continue on a self-destructive path, or flip it – and choose optimism instead.

Why? Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It also helps the daily grind move more smoothly, and makes life look bright and promising.

Optimism is contagious. People around you pick up on it and it effects them. Think about how hard it is to be unhappy with you're talking to someone who's smiling and laughing the whole time. It's almost physically impossible!

Positive thinking all comes down to your attitude and the way you choose to look at life. And this means more than just repeating a few mantras, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right.

Here's 8 top tips to turn your thoughts into a happier and more positive outlook
  • Always use only positive words while thinking and talking. Use words such as, 'I can', 'I am able', 'it is possible', 'it can be done', etc.
  • If your baby does have a terrible day, week, or month, and you've neglected yourself and binged on takeaway and chocolate, don't dwell on it. Tomorrow is another day and you have the opportunity to do something about it.
  • It's inevitable that negative thoughts will creep in but rather than ignoring them, try rationalising or putting them into perspective. For example, is it really likely that everyone thinks you look fat? No, truth is they're probably more worried about themselves or too distracted by your beautiful baby to notice!
  • Before starting with any plan or action, visualise the benefits or the positive result. For example, if you're doing a walk-to-run 5km program, with the goal of completing a fun run, imagine yourself crossing the finish line with a big smile on your face!
  • Keep your favourite inspirational quotes by your bedside, on the fridge, or start a pinterest board so that others can read them too.
  • Cast off the 'energy vampires' – those negative people in your life that seem to suck the life out of you with their negativity. Associate yourself instead with people who think positively.
  • Always sit and walk with your back straight. This is not only good for your posture, it will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.
  • Walk, swim or do something to keep yourself physically active. This helps to develop a more positive attitude and releases those natural 'feel good' hormones.